A Solution to a Problem
During the beginning of Covid 19, it was hard to get food at work. Even when food was offered, there was so much unknown about the virus, I didn't know if I could trust what was given to me. I wanted to control what was going in my body and if I felt this way, I knew I couldn't be alone.

BlendBlack Anywhere!
Our mission is to help you control what you consume wherever you are in the world!
Make your favorite smoothies or cocktails on the go!
Just mix your fav ingredients and in 30 secs you'll have an amazing drink or meal substitute.
Nurse by Day, Entrepreneur by Night.
I've had an entrepreneurial spirit for as long as I could remember. From selling candy and baseball cards as a kid to travel memberships as an adult! That spirit was put to rest for a bit while I worked as a nurse. Caring for others has always been apart of me, so nursing was the perfect career.
During the pandemic, that entrepreneurial spirit awoken, stronger than ever! There was a serious problem of food access for my coworkers and I, which was something we couldn't live without! Working on our feet for hours, some type of fuel was needed, even if we had to sneak a break (Nurses aren't always able to take a lunch break).
I tested a portable blender that was on the market but it wasn't powerful enough to blend what I needed it to. That's when the idea of BlendBlack was born. If what was needed wasn't available, I was going to create it. That's what entrepreneurship is all about, isn't it?

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